
Monday, July 1, 2024

Review: Like It Never Was

Like It Never Was Like It Never Was by Faith Gardner
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Book Published: 2nd July 2024

3.75 Stars Rounded up t0 4

After a prank goes wrong between Jolene and her friend Elizabeth, Jolene keeps this a secret, what follows is Jolene's guilt at what she's done and her inability to outrun this or numb it away.

Ten years later Jolene moves to Berkley and meets back up with Elizabeth and they attempt to rekindle a friendship, but will Jolene's guilt let her be friends? will the voice in Jolene's head ruin everything?

I had an interesting journey with this book, the first chapter... BANG hooked, then the story started to slow down in pace for a while and I wasn't sure if I was going to continue with it, then another cliff hanger and so it went on, until I completed the book, for me the end petered out to the point I felt it could have been 2 or 3 chapters shorter for my liking, but maybe that's because I'd guessed or at least suspected quite early on the outcome and would have preferred to end on a cliff hanger of not knowing, but I know for a lot of readers that would not work for them, so I get why it was fleshed out.

The characters were well written, with some absolute treats in there that kept me entertained, with the addition of the voice Jolene hears in her head and I did double guess myself a few times throughout the book.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.

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