
Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Review: You Shouldn't Be Here

You Shouldn't Be Here You Shouldn't Be Here by Lauren Thoman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The story centres around East Henderson, Pennsylvania and the strange goings on where people just disappear, but no one will talk about it.

Angie has lived here all her life and starts to find life interesting when she hears a ghost, but no one will believe her and she can't figure out what the ghost wants.

Madelyn moves here to start her teaching job, she also hopes to find out what happened to her cousin, who has mysteriously disappeared but in doing so comes across more than she bargains for.

What a brilliant mystery, with some great twists and turns. The characters are adorable, I really loved them and was invested in finding out what was going on with them.

I love the use of articles, emails, clips, etc at the beginning of each chapter to give a little more insight into the plot and the two points of view from Angie and Madelyn and their experiences.

It is quite dark in places and as the trigger warning mentions, the book does cover some difficult situations, but I think it is handled very well and is needed for the plot to enhance characterisation.
I really enjoyed immersing myself in this world and was a little sad when it ended.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.

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